Your role is not to provide comprehensive career advice or long-term recommendations, said Xu. Instead, you just point out a positive direction for others to follow. 徐君说:你不要提供泛泛的职场上的建议或是长期的解决方案,相反,你所要做的就是指出一个他们可以追寻的积极的方向。
Even if your goal isnt to make next years Forbes list, you will move in a positive direction for your career goals. 即使你的目标不是进入明年的权势女性排行榜,你也可以为了你的职业目标,朝着积极的方向去努力。
We hope that the relevant parties will seize the opportunity to engage in active interactions, resume the process of dialogue and consultation as soon as possible, and ensure that the situation on the peninsula will move forward in a positive direction. 我们希望相关各方抓住这个机会进行积极的互动,尽快重启对话和磋商,并确保朝鲜半岛局势朝着积极方向发展。
T Now I have T, which is in the positive direction minus m1 g sine alpha minus F f max. 这时有正方向的,减去m1gsinα和Ff最大。
The key point I'm making right now is that the economy is moving in a positive direction. 我现在要说的关键的一点是,经济正在向乐观的方向发展。
Jobs, investment, new demand, new infrastructure are all on the move in a positive direction. 就业,投资,新需求与新设施已全部进入正轨。
Developed to a certain level of globalization will appear after the "ceiling" phenomenon, that it will take some force to push it towards a more positive direction. 全球化发展到一定层次后就会出现“天花板”现象,这时需要某种力量来推动它朝着更加积极的方向发展。
When x is positive,; then the force is in the negative direction; when F is negative, the force is in the positive direction. 当x为正值,那么力是在负的方向;,当F为负值,力就在正的方向。
In China, an audit found that 81 per cent of firms had falsified their production accounts into a more positive direction. 在中国,一家审计机构发现,81%的企业都曾粉饰过自己的生产账目。
Let us as individuals be clear about what we stand for and take every opportunity we can to influence our society in a positive direction. 让我们每个个体都清楚自己的立场,并抓住每个机会去推动我们的社会向积极的方向发展。
Our start to the season this year has been tougher but I'm looking forward to turning the wheel in a more positive direction this weekend. 今年我们的开局更艰难了,但是我希望本周末事情往好的方向发展。
If I walk along C, I should say in the positive direction, in the direction that I have chosen to orient C. 如果沿着C走,我应该说沿着C的正方向走,就是我确定了C的定向。
And we're going to have q2 prime, and we're going to draw the arrows in the positive direction in these cases. 还有q2一撇,在这个例子中,我们把箭头朝正方向。
China hotel design circle is heading to a more positive direction, among which more and more special and non-conceptualization designing ideas to realize a great innovative combination. 中国的酒店设计领域正朝着一个非常积极的方向发展,出现了越来越多的独特的,非概念化的设计想法,实现了一种创新的伟大结合。
And I call the torque that is in the blackboard, I call that my positive direction, and the torque that is out of the blackboard, I give that a negative direction. 我把向黑板里面的,这个力矩,认为是正方向,而向黑板之外的,那个力矩,我认为是负方向。
The question then becomes how do you move your vibration in a positive direction? 这个问题现在变成你应该如何将你的振动频率转移到积极的方向?
And this is the direction, positive direction, of y. 这个方向,是y的正方向。
The positive direction impulse decrease: 46.98%?. 38%. 正向冲量下降:46.98%士3.38%。
Beauty is in relation to the pointing of the positive direction of human's thought. 美这种存在,与人类意念正方向指向有关。
And finally, it mainly researches and builds query model of fuzzy sentences, including reverse method and positive direction method, and gives the instances. 最后研究并建立了模糊语句检索模型,包括反向法求解模型和正向法求解模型,并分别进行了数据仿真。
Based on the directions of eyesight and the natural separating of two legs, the human's orientation is adjusted to facing z positive direction. 根据人体视线和脚尖的同向性及两腿的自然分开特征,对点云进行方位调整,使人体朝向z轴正方向。
According to the data structure of the system database, this thesis conjoins the breath-first search and the depth-first search, and constructs the positive direction reasoning mechanism to make use of the specialty knowledge in the database. ·根据系统知识库的数据结构和知识的表达方式,采用广度优先搜索和深度优先搜索相结合的策略,建立正向推理机制以实现对系统知识库中专业知识的利用。
It is approached that the flatband potential of CdS single crystal electrode is shifted toward positive direction, which is due to competitive adsorption of anion of surfactant and S2-of the system on the surface of CdS single crystal electrode. 并探讨了在该体系中,由于表面活性剂的阴离子与S~(2-)在单晶CdS电极表面上的竞争吸附,而引起单晶CdS电极的平带电位正移。
Besides, the relation between these variables is positive direction. 另外,这两个变量之间的关系是正相关的。
Shareholders 'information manipulation is divided into positive direction and negative direction. 控股股东的信息、操纵,分为正向操纵和负向操纵的两种。
In the advanced phase both sides change to the positive direction together and that of BBB decreases. 晚期,两者共同正向变化,BBB通透性降低。
Results support that subjects from Chinese culture have implicit cognitive tendency to positive direction when face red, while the blue tend to negative direction. red is generally has positive significance. 该结果支持了中国文化下的被试对红色的内隐认知倾向于积极方向,而蓝色相比则倾向于消极方向,红色的内隐认知积极化的现象可能在中国文化中具有普遍性。
To determine the binary-coded-targeting design method, the binary encoding methods, the coding capacity and the positive direction are discussed. 对此编码靶标的二进制编码方法、编码容量和编码正方向等问题进行了探讨,得以确定二进制编码靶标的设计方法。
Currently, the banking financial globalization and integration of positive direction, the banking industry has entered a new stage of development-the rise of electronic banking. 目前,银行业正向金融全球化和综合化方向发展,银行业已进入了一个新的发展时期&电子银行的兴起。
These embody the positive direction of the new Guixi government in that decade, but also greatly enhance the working efficiency and administrative efficiency of the government. 这些体现了新桂系政府这十年来积极的行政走向,也极大提高了政府的工作效率和行政效率。